Friday, March 13, 2009

random post.

the existence of God cannot be proven but neither can atheism...
One of the many reasons people cite for believing God doesn't exist is that there is no empirical evidence that he does, in fact, exist. 
I've been there, heard that. 
but the more i think about it, the morw faith i have. :]

bleh, weird day today. 
i left school early even though it meant skipping photography class (which greatly saddened me.) rather, I enjoyed a wonderful day of driving around with my mother to run errands. 'twas quite wonderful, im not gonna lie. 

im going to a tea party tonight, yes tea. 
this should be interesting. 
but i might as well see what many teas taste like....oh btw last night i had a dream Julie Andrews was there! lol how silly of me!

mmmk, imma go now. :]

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