...I'm telling you God ain't gonna have it.
As November quickly approaches, I've heard more political talk than ever, but what really disturbs me is that I've noticed Jesus name believers admitting that they don't support proposition 8(one that would protect the covenant of marriage). Now, I don't seek to dictate who or what to vote for, but i wish that Christians would truly research and PRAY about the political ballot. America is in one of those times, where whatever we do now, will change the country forever, and i think that that voters are underestimating their power(oh, what i wouldn't give to be old enough to vote!)
"As California goes, so goes the country. " thus, a massive block of responsibility has been placed on the Christian voters shoulders. I firmly believe that a follower of Christ should be knowledgeable about the political issues around them. If we don't vote the "Christian Way"...who will? If we don't pray for correct governmental leaders...who will? I believe that God is calling us to STAND OUT, and to STAND UP for what is right.
I have a strong conviction that God's design for marriage is between a man and a women. Not to mention, that the collective wisdom of human history, biology, and logic, shows us that marriage is designed to be between one man and one woman. It is essential in today's society to preserve God's design for the family as the best building block of society.
Do not allow people to fool you and convince you to say things like, "it doesn't affect my life so let them do what they want" because if we take this battle lightly, we will lose a moral war. Pastors would be obligated to marry homosexuals and children in grades as early as kindergarden would be taught "alternative lifestyles". On Oct. 22 in Sacramento, kindergardeners even had a "COMING OUT DAY" if this has happened without a law protecting the school system, imagine what will happen with one.
I leave you with this..."When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him." Isaiah 59:19. We must protect the standard for marriage, its time to STAND OUT.
YES on 8!! Rae Rae!! im with you! although you can't vote yet you are doing a great job inspiring and influencing others to do so.. changing the world.. sik!
Sister... you are amazing!
and inspiring as well.
"I can see the enemy coming in like a flood, but where is the standard?!" haha oh sik.
Keep writing, your great.
I hate being a discouragement but same-sex marriage is going to happen, we can't stop it. There was ban on alcohol and it was ignored and then lifted. There was a lot of that stuff. This kinda stuff are bound to happen. I agree we have to vote Yes on Prop 8, and fight but:
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. " Ep. 6:12
So our battle as Christians isn't standing at the ballots, it's in the altar on our knees. Gay marriage is going to happen our job is preaching Jesus to them, show them His love so that regardless if it's legal or not, they will reject the world and receive Jesus.
What do you think?
When Nehemia was rebuilding the wall of jerusalem (nehemia 4:17-18), he had the people build with one hand and with the other hand (because of the opposition) carry a sword, this tell's me that not only are we fighting in the "spiritual" world (eph.6:12) , but also in the "natural".
Hebrews 11:6 tell's me that without faith it's impossible to please him, so when pray i must "believe" that He will do, but also his word say's in
James 2:14-26 that it's not enough to just believe.. i must act! for faith without action is dead.
God in his great wisdom and knowledge chose you and me for today!..THE TIME IS NOW! (klean publicity huh.. jeje) to pray about today's issues, our cities, our nations, our world, our leaders,our cultures, etc. and to do something about what's going on, he has given us all this tools, the internet, cars and planes, cell phones,tv, etc.. we have no excuse!
one day we will stand before God and He'll ask..
dude! i put you in this generation, in this time and what did you do? did you use the tools i gave you? with the time that i gave you? jijole! so..
pray about everything! and worry about nothing! cuz' in the end God will do his will! and if you are old enough to vote (sorry rae! haha soon you'll be able to) make your vote, let your voice be heard!, leave your mark in this world!' stand for what is right!, Let the devil know that we will rebuild our world with one hand and with our sword on the other hand we will fight you in JESUS name!!
YES on 8!!
Wow! Ur inspirational my friend<3
(This is strictly a discussion, nothing will be personal jajaja)
Our battle is spiritual and with the verses you provided we also have to act "naturally"... would that fall into that regardless the election results we need to share Jesus to the world? Because I truly believe it is going to get worse before it gets better (by better I mean the Returning of Jesus jajajaja) So I think regardless if Obama or McCain gets elected, regardless if Prop 8 gets passed or not we need to go out there and Preach Jesus, help other, visit the widows and orphans, could that fall into the:
"Hebrews 11:6 tell's me that without faith it's impossible to please him, so when pray i must "believe" that He will do, but also his word say's in
James 2:14-26 that it's not enough to just believe.. i must act! for faith without action is dead."
what do you guys think?
Clarify me, inspire me, tell me I'm wrong, Tell me I'm right...
Paco that was a clean comeback that's what;s cool about this. discussions
Of course the world will get worse before it gets better, society's morals are decaying day by day, however I do agree that we need to act on these things. Of course we need to pray and have faith and share Jesus, feed the homeless do all we can to help the helpless but we also need to stand up for what we believe in. If the christian church had not fought for Prop 8 then it wouldn't have passed, we prayed about it, but we also had to ACT on it. We cannot stand idly when there is so much sin around us. We can't condemn them to hell, but we also can't be accepting of their lifestyle. While I see where you are coming from, that we should help change their lifestyle without making it a law- but I think the law encourages that as well. It tells them, 'Hey this isn't natural', and if we let the law pass its saying 'Oh hey, we accept you guys, keep doing what your doing'. you know?
it will get worse. alot worse. But everything is in Gods timing. What is taking him so long?
II 3:8-9 Peter The Msg
The Day the Sky Will Collapse
8-9Don't overlook the obvious here, friends. With God, one day is as good as a thousand years, a thousand years as a day. God isn't late with his promise as some measure lateness. He is restraining himself on account of you, holding back the End because he doesn't want anyone lost. He's giving everyone space and time to change.
Like Pastor Miles at the Rock said we must pray for His will to be done. We can fight for whatever we want and think is right, maybe even for what IS truly right but if God had a plan made a LONG time ago then it doesn't matter how hard we fight, also I'm not saying to not fight, if anything fight harder considering love at all times,
Of course the victory on Prop 8 feels great we are also forgetting we lost the election and Prop 4 (abortion notification to parents) but that topic is not really brought, but we must be thankful in all things, because regardless if as humans won or lost, if we as "Christians" won or lost, there is always victory in God's will, whatever God planned WILL happen, He sees the whole picture cause He's seating up there ^
Would you consider me Liberal or Conservative? Traditional or Unconventional? Left or Right? Clarify me, inspire me, tell me I'm wrong, Tell me I'm right...
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